Monday, November 28, 2011

Select any issue that is of importance to you and discuss your views. (New College of University of South Florida)

The rights of women, is an issue which people may think is getting solved, but the truth is that in many places women still don't have many basic rights. I do understand that human rights in general has come a long way, but for many women living near us who don't have the basic right, should get the rights they deserve. Some women are beaten up by their husbands, verbally abused or neglected by society because they are considered inferior. However, for any human to become the same level as the rest, the person must get the opportunity to prove themselves. Lets say that this one girl named Anastasia is a hard working girl, and loves to learn. However, her parents are not willing to let her go to school. Now other kids around her neighborhood all go to school. Because of her parents Anastasia is not able to go to school, therefore she is looked down by many of the neighborhood kids. How is this doing any justice to the girl? If she is not given the opportunity to learn, grow and find some talent, where later she can succeed, how is she going to do well. Some women aren't given the opportunity to prove themselves, and therefore are forever stuck in the same place. They are not encouraged to explore or learn about new ideas that surround them. If people don't understand what a person may be going through, then they shouldn't comment or judge. Many women face similar situation by society members, and they cannot defend themselves because no one is ready to listen. Society is only bothering to listen to one side of the argument and not the other. After making the conclusion about the girl being useless, the name sticks and other people too start calling her that name. This is subjecting women all around the world. If they don't have the right to defend themselves, how can they ever justify what they did and why they did it. So before jumping to conclusions people should consider all sides of the story and be open minded.

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