Tuesday, November 15, 2011

If you were to write a book, on what theme or subject matter would it be based, and why? (Stanford/93)

If I were to write a book I would write about women's rights and how to this day some countries still think of women as being low and as a object. Living in India and having conservative grandparents who always told me women can do nothing, makes me want to prove them wrong. So if I get a chance to explain to the rest, why women are not week but instead as equal as any other man I would take that chance. Its not about women rights its about being human and giving a human what she deserves. In countries like India young girls are told to learn how to cook, clean and how to take care of a family. They do not get the opportunity to better themselves at something or even see the world beyond their village. However, boys get to go to school, play, get a ride on a bus and go see places. How is this doing any justice to the girls who are sitting at home all day? Does anyone bother to think that they too may want to have fun, after all they are young girls. Some women are forced to learn how to cook. My grandmother too forced me to learn how to cook, however, being the rebel that I am I refused. Not because I did not want to learn how to cook. But because in her eyes it was not teaching me an art but making me a better wife for the future. No way in hell was I going to learn how to cook just so I can please a man later on in life. Every girl should be given the freedom to make her own choices. If she wants to learn how to cook great, if she does not then no one should force her. These simple things like wanting to enjoy childhood by playing with your friends is the right of any girl or boy, and no one should take that away.

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