Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Do you believe there's a generation gap? Describe the differences between your generation and others. (Denison University)

My grandparents think and view the world from a different perspective than I do. I view the world around me differently because education has taught me to see the world differently. Whereas, my grandparents focus on culture and tradition, viewing the world from the eyes of the past generation. To this day they think that boys are better than girls, girls need to learn house work and need to be married of at an early age, while boys should be educated, get a job and take care of a family. My views are certainly not the same. Studying in an international school, where education is at its finest, I learn things that they probably have never heard of. In their eyes I am growing up to be a feminist, a rebel and developing qualities that they do not always approve of. In my eyes I am just another teenager expressing my views. This generation gap has caused many arguments, fights and silence among my family than needed.


  1. A good start. Makes me wonder: Will you ever be able to convince them? How?

  2. That's a really good example. I've seen it happen with others before. I feel that often, arguments that take place even between my parents and myself are because of a generation gap. Honestly though, sometimes I feel we use it as an excuse too often.
    Also, without the generation gap, I'm sure I would lose my roots.
    I like your post. You have mentioned many things that enrage me about the thoughts of previous generations. Having an older brother, it annoys me if someone talks about boys being superior or girls needing to learn housework.
    I gues there truly are different ways you can view your situation, but you've expressed well how you are in your own eyes. :)
