Tuesday, January 17, 2012

If you had the gift of telepathy, the ability to read other people’s minds, would you use this gift or not? Explain. (Middle East Technical University/93)

If I had a gift of telepathy I would definitely use this gift, but I would not tell any that I had such a gift. With powers comes curses. So I am sure with this gift I would only be allowed to read certain people's mind. Maybe just the people that I know, or just strangers. Maybe I wouldn't be allowed to read the minds of women, or people that have are pure, and sinless. But with the gift of telepathy I would read people's mind if we are playing a game, and I would want to know their next move. This would help me win, even though I would be cheating. Since no one would know that I have this gift, people would not try and control their mind when I am around them. I would read the emotion a person feels when they see their loved ones, or their enemies. Maybe I could be a psychiatrist who would help people see what is really wrong with them. Some patients might now know what is wrong with them, and they may be really confused, therefore frustrated. If I did have the gift of telepathy I could easily tell them what is wrong with them, without the patient having to do much work. I could also see many patients in one day because I don't have to wait for them to think and then tell me whats wrong. I could easily just go read their mind and make life simpler for the both of us. This way I would also be making a lot of money because more patients would mean more money, and then a higher standard of living. With this gift I could tell apart the people that do not like me and the ones that do. Maybe it will help me in my interview for a job because then I would know exactly what to say and when to say it, without being too nervous, and recking my future.


  1. Being a psychiatrist with this gift would definitely save a lot of time and make you a lot of money, but you have to consider the negative side of this gift too. There may be things that you don't want to see or hear but you have no choice but to be open to them. This could scar you for life! :O

  2. Great essay! The way you talk about using your gift for the benefits of other people really stands out. Your perspective is quite unique too: "With powers comes curses." I thought you were going to say something like, "With power comes responsibility." But you go a whole new direction. Nice job!

  3. You assume a lot in the first few lines. You stated "with every power come curses." You just cant assume that. And instead of assuming who's mind you are and are not able to read, you could have made this blog a little more interesting as you could have talked about a lot more things you would have done.
