Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Create a question we haven’t asked and then provide the answer. (Something to that effect anyway. Dartmouth used this a few years ago. I had a student who posed the following question and wrote a seven-page response: “Write about a time when life threw you a curve and how you handled it.”)

Is the world changing for the better?

The world is changing for the better. With new inventions, and different way of thinking the world is moving on from the old to something better ahead. During the middle ages the serfs were treated as slaves. They were given just enough to survive on. Ruled by brutal lords the serfs did their best to please their master in any way possible. As time passed with the Enlightenment and the Renaissance taking place, people started to think differently. For the serfs the life changed for the better. They no longer were bound to their Lord. They were free to make their own choices. They fought for their freedom and soon there arose a middle class; something better, and a class where there was hope.

With technology the world truly is moving ahead for the better. With the industrial revolution taking place, we have created so much to be thankful for. The roads built, the trains.We have created internet that helps us to send information in matter of seconds. Before this information took months and sometimes years to get to the other side of the world. The world is so much more connected than before. We can know what is happening on the other side, without actually having to be there.

Our thinking has changed and with this medicine. Before a mentally ill person was looked down upon. Now we see that a person who is mentally ill should be treated as an equal. We do not accuse people for being different. Instead we help them through medical treatment to cope with society, and its standards.

People, however, may think that the world is changing for the worse because with invention came destruction such as World War II . The idea of the world changing for the better has more positives than negatives held to it, and therefore the world is changing for the better. The world is changing so that we may have a better future.

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