Sunday, January 1, 2012

How can a person get along with an enemy?
A person does not need to get along with everyone around them. Some just don't fit in your friend list, while some make it to the hate list. The fact is every is different. Not everyone can handle others personality or their behavior. They are called your enemy for a reason. A person which you cannot stand. A person that gets on your nerves with every move he or she makes. A person who when walking by makes all the hair on your arms stand. When he or she walk by you try your best not to think of something mean in your head, but either way your swearing your heart out. Many enemies live under one roof. They have no choice but to get along with each other. To get along with your enemy you do not need to be overly nice, or treat them as a friend. You just need to be civil. You don't need to get out of your way to do something sweet, or make up for not liking them. You should not be plotting against them or marking your next move. If the enemy talks to you, only do you then talk to him or her. When walking past them you don't need to smile, you just need to keep walking along. You should do the things you set out to do. You don't, and shouldn't change your timetable because of your foe. You simply do your things without getting in the enemies way. If you make it clear enough that you want nothing to do with him or her, he or she will leave you alone. You simply get along with your life as if the enemy didn't exist. If this is hard, and all you think about is your enemy, and seeing his or her ugly face everyday, go to your friend and talk it out. You shouldn't care about what your enemy is doing instead rather focus all that energy on your own work, and life. Focus on your self rather that your enemy.


  1. Wow.. this is some new, unexpected response, and that's what's making this interesting ;)
    I like how you have a focus on the topic and detailed elaborate explanation on your response.
    I just thought that it might be even more interesting if you said a little more about few things such as "talking out to your friend"
    But that's just a further elaboration.
    The post is very focused already :) Nice job!

  2. Your definition of civil is ignoring people, which in reality is not civil at all. Ignoring a person especially under the same roof, will in return create division among your peers. I agree with the part where you state that "if you have an enemy that is your problem." If you have a problem with him or her, you go solve it with them, because ignoring your problems will take you nowhere in life. Instead of ignoring your problem, you should rather talk it out with them in an orderly manner. Doing this is being civil and ignoring your enemies is like being a stubborn baby.

  3. I can feel the remorse and hate that you have for your enemies? I guess the words you use are strong "hate" and "enemies" are strong words. But the prompt is not clearly answered. It goes around on why hate, i think that's the main focus of your response when the question ask something else.

    English assignment apart this much hate is not good. We've been in Woodstock a decade and i think by now the word "hate" should not be used this easily.
